Saturday, October 30, 2010


This facebook project to me was pretty interesting. I create events all the time, so that's what I chose. I was going for a real Social Networking test here. I wanted to see just how many people I could get invited to this event.

At first, I created this event and only invited 250 people. The next thing I knew, there were 100 people already RSVPed, but 300 that were still invited. Before I knew it, everyone that Invited was inviting more people to this fake event. It was spectacular. I watched the numbers rise every day! Before I knew it, there were 500 people invited, 700 people invited, and this morning, there are 500 people that have clicked Attending, and still 1,500 that are waiting on replies!!

It's an awesome thing if you think about the powers that this really shows. If you think about how I only invited 250 people last tuesday, there are almost 600 attending, and 1500 more I am waiting on hearing from. Just goes to show you how much people really are connected.

For me, Facebook used to always be about connecting with my friends. I was always checking up to see what everyone was up to, and where they were. Many of my friends are in some branch of the military, so it really is the easiest way for me to know where they are, and especially where they are being stationed and to make sure nothing happens to them. But then I started using Facebook for work. When I became a supervisor it was an easy way to get one message out to everybody at once, and to quickly ask someone a question about work.

Facebook is a great business tool. It allows businesses to reach a wide audience for free! I know there are some businesses that give out Facebook coupons. It also gives businesses opportunities for customers to leave feedback in their own ways.

I think it was totally fine for a professor to ask for you to friend them. There has to be an understanding though. A professor cannot ask to be your friend on Facebook and then try and judge you or even to get you in trouble for something that's on it. It's almost like parents. When my dad friend requested me I told him that if he friended me, he can't say a word about anything he finds on my facebook or if he doesn't like anything. If he doesn't like it then he shouldn't be my friend.
Information on facebook is totally public. I don't care what anyone says, even if you make your page "private" it is always public. Everything that goes on Facebook never disappears. People can always seem to find it and bring it back up.

There are some rules I think, but I don't think everyone follows them. Like I said, Facebook is totally public. So if someone was to say something nasty about someone else, even if they were not friends, it would get to them. Look at how my project has reached over 2000 people in less than a week. Stuff travels fast, and bad stuff travels faster than good stuff for sure. But something good about Facebook is that it really is open to everything. People can post what they like, creat what groups they like, and have what pictures they like. If people don't like it, they can just turn the other direction. Its a really good open concept type of program.

I don't think that I have ever really had something awkward arise because of something I posted, but I think it would be awkward if the peole figured out the random status updates were about them. That would be hard to explain and keep my cool.

With the readings, I found out that what they talked about is pretty much what I was talking about. Many of the comments and opinions were similar to those I made, esecially about how professors should use Facebook as a communication tool, not as a way to get information or anything like that. I'm happy to see that my opinions are pretty consise and along the lines with others.

UPDATE: As of 10-31 there were currently 3,008 people invited!

UPDATE UPDATE: As on Nov 1st, there were 3,113 people invited! And I've almost reached
1000 in attendance!
As of 2:07, there are 3,574 people invited!

This was a comment I recieved from this project. Some people just have to ruin it for the others.

"my clicking "attending" has no relevance to you and is an inappropriate way to determine credit in a class. This seems to be an assignment devoid of any value and if anything has a negative impact due to energy consumption and wasted processing power and storage space, all of which has actual cost.

I'd recommended a pea...ceful rebellion of your class against such an assignment. You deserve to have your grade determined by your actions, that's why plagiarism is such a concern in academics and this is nothing more than the promotion of such principles - the only difference being that while in plagiarism you get credit for the work of someone else by pretending its your own, here you get credit by the actions of others without even the presence of conscious to pretend that you are getting credit for your own actions.

Your teacher should be ashamed!
(this is not an attack against you, but a defense of your right to a real education)"

Wow dude. Just wow

On Nov. 8th, there are 5,147 people invited to this event!! This event has grown more than 25 times what it started at with 200 people!

1 comment:

  1. Wow that is really amazing how fast your event grew. I liked your comment about how a professor shouldnt use the information they find on Facebook to judge you. That wouldnt be fair. I really think that your project showed how fast information can travel on Facebookl. :)
