Friday, September 17, 2010

Web 2.0

          "Web 2.0 is all about openness and freedom," says Kris Lamb, director of the IBM Internet Security Systems division's X-Force security research organization. "You're really tearing down the traditional barriers that have kept companies safe."

This quote I think sets the pace to how I feel about web 2.0. Web 2.0 is a rather scary thing to me at times. To read stories and find out that people can create a social networking page that is just filled with Malicious codes to set viruses into peoples computers is horrible. The fact that one myspace page infected over 1 million users is rediculous. Who knows, I could have been affected. I know I was subject to some nasty viruses from AIM years back that I ended up having to proctically wipe my computer. I can't imagine the types of hard core viruses that there are out right now.

One thing that struck my attention from the readings was that at the beginning, Web 2.0 really didn't mean anything. It was meerly a name given to it to try and spark interest in it again, and frankly, I think it worked. The 2.0 in the web actually meant things that were going to be coming, and they were right, there was a lot of new things that were coming. The biggest thing according to those involved in web 2.0 was "ajax" which to them basically meant that Javascript now worked. Which as I'm sure we are all aware of, really sucked before that. This in it of itself caused a whole new wave of programs to be createdto utilize ajax. There hasnt been a wave of applications like this since microcomputers first appeared.

Web 2.0 means using the web the way it was meant to be. So the new trends that are popping up everywhere are the result of the web being used in the correct way. This is a reason why google is so popular and seems to be ahead of the curve. They are using web 2.0 the way it was meant to be used. They don't sit there and try to force things to happen, they take a more proactive approach and try to figure things out before they happen. Some examples of these is in the way Google has utlized Ajax in Google Maps, Gmail, and some of their other web based programs. They certainly have been successful at doing it right.

1 comment:

  1. This post was well thought out and very to-the-point. I agree that Web 2.0 can be scary at times. I always think about my mom's advice when the Internet first started becoming popular with my generation in using AIM. She'd always tell my sister and me "Not to talk to strangers" and I feel that exactly where Web 2.0 has taken us. We're so open with our feelings and with communicating with people we don't know, especially on Twitter it seems. Our "followers" know more about us than people that aren't on Twitter, most likely. It's a weird phenomenon. Thanks to Web 2.0, we're more "Social" online than we are in face-to-face situations. I definitely agree that viruses and the like are a big issue, and one that surprisingly hasn't been completely taken care of. It seems with the technology we have, there should be a way to fix it. Also, I can't imagine using the Internet (and Web 2.0) now without Javascript. It would seem so useless without the functions of the program. And I know for sure that I would be lost without Google!
